For each shipment, two or three negotiable or signed bills of lading are usually issues, plus as many non-negotiable copies as may be required. 通常都需要开出两到三份可转让或签名提单,外加根据需要提交的若干份提单副本。
In this paper, we devise a simple scheme for negotiable electronic bills of lading. 本文中,我们提出一可转让电子载货证券的简单机制。
On Negotiable Instrument Counterplea in the United Nations Convention on International Bills of Exchange and International Promissory Notes 联合国《国际汇票及本票公约》中的票据抗辩
They would almost certainly be held by the court to be negotiable instruments, albeit outside the scope of the Bills of Exchange Act. 尽管不在《汇票法》规定之内,但法院几乎肯定将它们裁定为是流通票据。
Negotiable instruments counterplea means the behavior that the party who is consigned by holder of bills requests for payment against drawer's antagonizing or protesting payment according to specific situation. 票据抗辩,是指受票据持票人请求之人,依一定的事由依法对抗或拒绝持票人请求付款的行为。
Forgery and alternation of bills are two kind of typical negotiable instruments flaws. Forgery and alternation of bills brings about not only corresponding legal aftereffect to the bearer, payer and wrongdoer, but also great risks to the relevant subjects. 票据伪造和票据变造,会给票据的持票人、付款人以及伪造、变造票据的行为人带来相应的法律后果,使该票据关系的相关主体承担极大的风险。
Internally, Negotiable Instruments Law to improve their ownlegislation, including bills re-positioning and the specific nature of the limitation of the right notes clearly three kinds of time-related requirements. 对内,要完善票据法自身立法,包括重新定位票据时效的性质和具体明确三种票据权利时效的相关规定。
Negotiable necessary to inadequate recording of blank bills are still able to enter the circulation, to participate in trading activities. 从流通转让来说,空白票据的必要记载事项欠缺仍能够进入流通领域,参与交易活动。